Category Archives: News

We are still online even during these hard days + new Minecraft server

By [SGVE] ViktorK |CZ| Dear players,
let me inform you that our servers SGVE Server #1 on Garry’s Mod and also SGVE Minecraft Server are still up and running even during these bad days.

Both servers are in beta stage and there could be some bugs (mainly on GMOD server), please feel free to report any bugs to

Our quite new (released on September 2019) vanilla Minecraft server runs on the latest main release Minecraft 1.15.2.

To join it you need to have Minecraft Java Edition where you need to connect to ip: using multiplayer menu.

For more info about Minecraft server check our web:, and also please read rules carefully!

From:: SGVE Server News

SGVE Server is working again after fixing HW issues

By [SGVE] ViktorK |CZ| Dear players,
SGVE Server should now work again. Everything should be as before except for the new IP which change was unrelated to previously mentioned HW issues.

SGVE Server #1 –

SGVE Server #2 and #3 preparation is currently in progress stay tuned.

Keep in mind that server #1 is now in testing mode so if you find some bugs or stability issues please send report to

From:: SGVE Server News

SGVE Server #1 – today’s crashing

Dear players,
sorry for issue with server today, it was crashing like every 15 minutes. It was caused by checking script for crashes (which we’ve been using for years). Reason was that script thought that server is offline so it force restarted it.

Now it should be fixed, but if it occurs again, please report us this to

Thanks for your patience!

From:: SGVE Server News


By [SGVE] ViktorK |CZ| Hey all!

We’ve been working hard on bringing you some new improvements to server!

List of news/changes:

β€’ All STARGATE weapons are now stronger! They are as much destructive as similar weapons from Ship Core addon.
β€’ Some CAP weapons were fixed because they weren’t damaging ship cores.
β€’ SAM (server bot) now warns you if you have your ship without ship core outside spawn area, that means all bases and ships has to have ship core outside spawn or they will be removed by SAM after some time.
β€’ SAM also warns you if you exceed ship weapon count, now you can use maximum of 6 weapons together per player. This will make space combat more balanced.
β€’ Added anti prop spam solution which should help against griefing.
β€’ You can now start ban/kick vote even with well known !voteban, !votekick commands. Also I managed to fix very bad bug in voting system.

Please if you find some bugs connected to updates above, please send us email to! It’s still beta so some bugs could occur.

I hope you will enjoy it.
Thank you! πŸ™‚

ViktorK from SGVE

From:: SGVE Server News


Hey all!

We’ve been working hard on bringing you some new improvements to server!

List of news/changes:

β€’ All STARGATE weapons are now stronger! They are as much destructive as similar weapons from Ship Core addon.
β€’ Some CAP weapons were fixed because they weren’t damaging ship cores.
β€’ SAM (server bot) now warns you if you have your ship without ship core outside spawn area, that means all bases and ships has to have ship core outside spawn or they will be removed by SAM after some time.
β€’ SAM also warns you if you exceed ship weapon count, now you can use maximum of 6 weapons together per player. This will make space combat more balanced.
β€’ Added anti prop spam solution which should help against griefing.
β€’ You can now start ban/kick vote even with well known !voteban, !votekick commands. Also I managed to fix very bad bug in voting system.

Please if you find some bugs connected to updates above, please send us email to! It’s still beta so some bugs could occur.

I hope you will enjoy it.
Thank you! πŸ™‚

ViktorK from SGVE

NEW Ship Core Finder on SGVE Server #1

By [SGVE] ViktorK |CZ| Hi all,
I’ve added to server new handy SENT which will help you target enemies’ ships and stargate vehicles (jumper, etc…)

You can find it in QMenu – Entities – SGVE Entities – [SGVE] ShipCore Finder.

To use it just wire Player Entity (from your E2 or Target Finder) to input and it will automatically output Player’s Ship Core entity or Stargate Vehicle entity (jumper, glider..) which you can then use for your weapons as target.

Good thing is when player has ship and it’s on spawn it won’t target it so you won’t attack earth by mistake.

If you have any questions or suggestions let me know! πŸ™‚


From:: SGVE Server News